Wall Talk/Walk Tall is a work that started with the question ‘What if walls could speak?’ and grew out of a cinematic approach and interest into architecture.
The text (dia slides) of the work change according to the space it is shown. Every iteration of a new text starts with the last word of the former text.

Wall Talk, Walk Tall (aprèstissage für KC)
Dia slide projector, rotating platform, 76 dia slides
Shown in ‘First Impressions’, a group show at Krone/Couronne in Bienne/Biel (CH).
text: [doubt] for between whom two are plum these trees snakes twitter that two hiss swallows on your heads will the rattlesnakes it rattled delimit until the their demilitarization rattles in sounded ten run thousand down ten to ten thousand miles it a turning green hunter so knowing green hunting when hunt Spanish without flower her flowers dog the long wheel resonated on the the street sound rolls on the slope road along under the wheel remains

Wall Talk, Walk Tall (subtitles for VDB)
Dia slide projector, rotating platform, 49 dia slides
Shown in Art Contest 2022 in Espace Vanderborght, Brussels.
a matter of moving concrete cast facts contained in cans and cannots ... bordered bored ... wandering a round a bout the ss of success ... goodbuy weaving text into surface storying histories of storing words into textile in architexture into a matter of great doubt